Original signed and limited edition numbered artwork (series of 8). 2023.
Archival pigment inks on Canson Arches Aquarelle rag. Australian hardwood frame stained pencil grey by Neo Frames.
130 x 110cm
Winner, Ursula Hoff Institute Award 2023, Geelong Gallery
Revenge is not just a dish best served cold, but a rightful resilient act of defence served bold. Defence against the eruptive spray of toxic effervescence that persecutes the violated who dare to take a stand, in stark contrast to the indifference of the role of the perpetrator.
In the same way, the proposition of artificial intelligence is to present a lie to digest and consume, creating the possibility of reality as a lie. In the midst of our breaching the AI frontier, this image examines how our neurons connect and communicate with each other to create a visual reality. By colonising antique engravings with the cartographic calamity of motherboards, we are forced to reckon with the line between truth and unreality.